Part it Out

Part it Out

Car-tografi is all about the parts

The classic is defined by its parts.
Find the beauty in breaking down the ride by clicking the pic.

This is for the car collectors, car aficionados, car lovers. It is for all the vintage rides, trucks, bikes and trailers in all stages of perfection. car-tografi is for the refined classic, perfect paint job, original parts. It is for the pinstripers, hood mascots, artistic displays and the rusty finish. This is the Jordon, Nash, Packard, Chevrolet. It is the Buick, Studebaker, Lincoln and Dodge. The Griffin, Cadillac, Pontiac, Fords that take to the street, line the grassy knolls, driveways and fairgrounds on hot summer afternoons. This is car-tografi a photographic journal of a car show.